Web design
Images & words © Steve Collins unless otherwise noted
smallritual.org 23.0.2 What happens if I remove all obvious colour? [2023] smallritual.org 23.0.1 Some preliminary studies for smallritual.org 23 [2023] smallritual.org 21 Final iteration of a format used 2020-23 [2023] smallritual.org 19 First mature responsive iteration of this website [2019] smallritual.org 17.2 Blue and green stripes, from a 60s toy [2018] smallritual.org 17.1.2 Rainbow stripes, second version [2017] smallritual.org 17.1.1 Rainbow stripes, first version [2017] smallritual.org 16 Responsive experiments - the 'liquorice allsorts' version [2017] Typepad blog designs Relating to the main site iterations [2004-2016] smallritual.org 15 More compact to work on phones, but not responsive [2015] alternativeworship.org 4.2 Directory site for the alternative worship movement, reversion to original colours [2014] smallritual.org 13 Iteration of this website - a better logo and better colours [2013] alternativeworship.org 4.1 Directory site for the alternative worship movement, on smallritual.org 10 template [2012] smallfire.org 7 Rebuilt on smallritual 10 template [2010] smallritual.org 10 Iteration of this website - a new logo, fresh colours, white background [2010] smallritual.org 8 Iteration of this website - a new format and the start of smallritual blue [2008] alternativeworship.org 3 Directory site for the alternative worship movement, without Flash [2007] smallfire.org 6 More controlled iteration [2007] smallritual.org 7 Iteration of this website - the camo one! [2006] smallritual.org 6 Iteration of this website - 'the stack' for 31 photos [2004] smallritual.org 4 Unpublished templates for this website [2004] smallfire.org 5 First mature iteration of the alt-worship photo archive, with image thumbnails [2003] smallritual.org 3 First mature iteration of this website, with blog [2003] alternativeworship.org 1 Directory site for the alternative worship movement [2002] smallritual.org 1 First public iteration of this website - splash and Flash [2001] another city My first website, for an aborted series of Millennium events [1999]