
Blog archive January 2021

<< November 2020 / March 2021 >>

21.01.21 / 01 / modernist vs postmodernist objects

The modernist object tells you about itself

in the background until needed
simple and self-explanatory
good enough for everybody

The postmodernist object tells everyone about you

conspicuous consumption
elaboration and concealment
quality reserved for a few

10.01.21 / 01 / now responsive

It only took me 7 years to do it. In 2014 I rebuilt it as a sketch for a responsive site, but didn't do the responsive bit. The Grace site followed on using the same format and was responsive. I never got back to fixing the labyrinth site although I was embarrassed by its failure to work on a phone.

Now there is another issue - the online labyrinth is made in Flash and is becoming inaccessible to most users. This is a pity as its low-res animations are still delightful. I will make screen recordings that can at least be watched and heard, although the interactivity won't be there.

The labyrinth website (and the online labyrinth) will be 20 years old in September. I was busy 20 years ago.

08.01.21 / 01 / alone at christmas

The intention was to join the rest of my family for Christmas in Cambridge. Unfortunately the government banned all travel from London days before Christmas, in an attempt to stop the latest Covid variant from spreading. My sister in law drove across the country to collect my mother, regardless. But I was alone at Christmas, for the first time in my life. Of course we zoomed on Christmas Day - a novelty. And again at New Year. I looked out of the iMac in the corner of their living room.

So now I have bags of undelivered Christmas presents, waiting for freedom of travel again, or they will have to be posted.

<< November 2020 / top / March 2021 >>
