Salt and light
Ritual from Grace service Re:lentless
Re:lentless was a service in early 2021 when we were a year into the pandemic and in a renewed indefinite lockdown. People were weary and wondering when or if normal life would resume.
My section was partly inspired by the church in Leipzig, East Germany that began regular prayer meetings for peace and freedom in the 1980s. This must often have seemed like a small and futile gesture against oppressive systems and geopolitical forces. But in 1989 it was the seed of the street protests that brought down the Iron Curtain. And then there was a woman who refused to give up her seat on a bus. The big things will not happen without the small things that prepare the ground, plant ideas and act as catalysts. We need to remember this whenever our own small acts of hope and resistance seem futile in the face of the darkness.
taste some salt
taste some more salt
salt by itself is unpalatable
we can only eat a little
but a little is all that is needed
to change everything
salt can’t sit alone and pure
it has to mix and mingle to enhance
it has to become invisible
light a candle
turn all the other lights out
a candle is only small
but the darkness cannot overcome it
when small candles come together
they light up a room
a church
a street
or a nation
salt and light are small things that go a long way
they change the whole of their surroundings
even though they are small
hope is a series of small things
that sustain our humanity
the big things will not happen for us
unless the small things have carried us there
hope is a butterfly effect
each tiny act changes the future
in the end, no hopeful act is wasted
god of small hopes
of mustard seeds and grains of sand
of stables and babies and upper rooms
of salt and fragile flames
encourage us to value small acts of hope
if we can’t be the flavour or the food
help us to be your presence
if we can’t be the sun or a spotlight
help us to be your presence
make us salt and light in all our situations
changing them by your subtle love