noise is unwanted sound which is why your parents call the music you like noise
but noise isn't just ab out sound
it's about information
noise is whatever drowns out or interfer es with or conceals meaningful inform ation
sound engineers, radio engineers speak of two things, signal and noise.
the signal is the message, the meaningful part of the transmission
the no ise is all the unwante d stuff that interferes with your ability to he ar or decipher the signal.
our lives are full of noise too much information
too many messages that don't add up to any coherent whole
all competing for our attention we can't find the signal o r m ak e a ny se ns e o f o ur li ve s
and so we go into the desert to escape the noise
but then we can hear our internal noise
some of which is very gross especially during silent prayer
and some of which is subtle but more deeply dis    turbing
like tinnitus
which is nerve da mage to the inner ear resulting in a perm anent whistling or hissing noise
inside your head that you can never escape
for someone like me who suffers from it there is no l onger any such thing as silence
if i am in a silent place what i hear is the high-pitched whistle inside my own head
and that's just the physical noise inside us
but our heads are full of mental noise.
the thoughts that won't stop chattering that stupid song that you can't get out of your head
that nagging worry about something you said
or didn't say
that hurt and anger that you can't let go of, churning inside you when
you're supposed to be concentrating on work that dumb
joke that keeps making you giggle on the bus so that people look at you strangely...
and when you're alone you can't pretend any more that any of these were necessary
so you try and put them aside to pray
and now you become aware of spiritual noise
all those things that comp ete with god
dist racting yo ur attention towards selfish or worldly concerns
drowning out your attempts to hear god's voice distor ting the mess a ge
or making you lose bits li e a mobile ph ne pas ng under a bridg
sin is a kind of spiritual tinnitus
thecloser we get to god's silence themoreweareawareoftheunceasingwhineinsideourselves
trouble is we've lost the volume knob and anyway we're scared of silence because without all the activity and distractions
we'll have to face ourselves and god and we are frightened of what we might find
but god longs to heal us
to still the os cill osc ope s of our souls
turn the noise off
and give us peace
because only then
will we be able to hear
the music of heaven