The kingdom of God has many points of entry, but they are not always in the places we expect. So we need to be alert and ready to enter any time, any place we may be called.
We will enter the kingdom through the door marked 'push'.
We will not give up if it doesn't open easily.
We will enter the kingdom through the door marked 'changing room'.
We will not attempt spiritual exercise in clothes that restrict our movements.
We will enter the kingdom through the door marked 'fire escape'.
We will not go back into smoke-filled rooms to rescue our possessions.
We will enter the kingdom through the door marked 'late night opening and all day sundays'.
We will not restrict the times and places of access to God.
We will enter the kingdom through the door marked 'silence - recording in progress'.
We will not miss our part in God's symphony.
We will enter the kingdom through the door marked 'bar staff only'.
We will not ignore people who are thirsty.
We will enter the kingdom through the door marked 'honeymoon suite'.
We will not keep any part of ourselves from God's love.
We will enter the kingdom through the door marked 'to the cells'.
We will not plea-bargain to escape responsibility for our crimes.
We will enter the kingdom through the door marked 'lost property'.
We will not get rid of people who have not yet been claimed by their rightful owner.
We will enter the kingdom through the door marked 'guest list'.
We will not have forgotten to have our friends' names put on it too.
We will enter the kingdom through the door marked 'exit'.
We will not continue shopping while the manager puts the lights out.
We will go through these doors in the power of the Spirit,
knowing that Jesus has gone through them all first.